new work coming soon —new work coming soon —new work coming soon —new work coming soon —new work coming soon —new work coming soon —new work coming soon —new work coming soon —


(a variation of the lauded “YO” that I picked up
while living in the Bronx).

I work. A lot. Long hours.
In the pursuit of God-knows-what. Definitely not fame. Passion I guess. Or maybe it’s the continual pursuit of the unattainable. Unfulfilled?
Nah. Complacent? Hell no. 

For some 10 years or so, this “desire” has landed me at places like Wieden+Kennedy, Cashmere Agency, Droga5, Vans, and Translation|

I make stuff. Creative stuff. Stuff for brands like Google, Nike, Jay-Z’s Reform Alliance, KitKat, and
Chase Bank. Oh, and occasionally stuff for myself (to keep me sane).

This stuff has yielded me a few pats-on-the-back of sorts, from Clios, Cannes, One Show Pencil's and D&AD. Its cool, I guess? Honeslty (for me) it's about the work  and the concentrated effort of delving into a picture and making a new one. 

Here's some of it...